Last Monday we got to see Beth, Ben and the boys, Rydon and Jaden. We haven't seen any of them since June 2008, and had never even met Rydon. We were sad to miss Sequoia, but she was down at Disneyland having fun with her daddy. It was so nice to catch up even though we only had a few hours. Now they are all back in Italy and it may be another year and a half before we get to see them again. Katie and James also came over to join in the fun. Who would have thought, almost 12 years of friendship and now between the 3 of us there are 7 kids between the ages of 24 weeks gestation and almost 8. Sequoia started off all the kids as the lone girl...with 4 boys in-between, now we have Claire and soon to be Evie this coming August. It was a lot of fun watching all the boys play together. You will see getting decent pictures was almost impossible, but we caught a few funny ones in the process.
BirthdatesSequoia (Beth)-May 2002
Jaden (Beth)-July 2006
Brenden (Erin)-December 2007
Rydon (Beth)-July 2008
James (Katie)-October 2008
Claire (Erin)-October 2009
Evie (Katie)-August 2010
This picture cracks me up...look closely to find Rydon...

little did we know this soccer ball was on it's way to the toilet...thankfully it was too big to flush!

Jaden, trying to figure out how Claire's swing was working and if that red button would do anything...

Big Jaden watching the doggie was a little confusing for all the boys, but they did figure it out eventually.

Master James has joined in the ruckus...

Mommy, i know you want this hard plastic airplane up your nose...

just what are they plotting?

Beth, myself with Claire and Katie...youngest to oldest I suppose...Katie's birthday is a whole month before mine and Beth's is 2 days after mine!

No idea where James and Rydon are...but at least we got 3 of 5 kids in the picture...

this picture is going to follow these 2 for years...the happy couple holding hands...

gee, can you tell which 2 are brothers?

our best group shot...Brenden apparently insisting on being the center of attention...

the only one who would stay put on the couch for more pictures...ham...

Kissing his good buddy...

the crazy little boys...definitely past bedtime here...

Claire is excited to meet Evie...just a few more months!

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