Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brenden's 2 and Claire is 3 months!

Here are the pictures from today's photo shoot...Brenden's 2 year and Claire's 3 month milestones! They are totally unorganized and in duplicate as I had them convert all 25 images over to black and white as well as happy looking through my mess! The pictures are pretty darn cute so I chose to post them now instead of taking the time I needed to to properly sort them!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Brenden-peek-a-boo & animal sounds

just goofing around...

Brenden and the infamous "cracker dance"

this is what happens during father-son time...

Brenden's first bike ride

Brenden got a balance bike from G-mama and Papa Garrett for his 2nd birthday. At first he was a little afraid of it, but now he's getting more and more comfortable. Here is a quick video of him on his first trip outside with it.

(for those of you who get blog updates in your inbox, you won't be able to view the video in your need to log onto the blog to see this!)