Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pictures from my 5th month!

Drooling on my cousin Dillon...

My Aunt Delly and Uncle Steve!

My Uncle Steve!

My future Girlfriend Maritza...I'm 10 days older!

Back to drooling on my cousin!

I'm going to be crawling soon!

I Love Rolling Over!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I slept through the night!

Brenden finally slept through the night last night...from 11:30 pm-8:15 am!

We also learned today that while he has been diagnosed with hip instability on his right side, they strongly feel that his hip will continue to develop and be totally ok without needing a brace!

He is now 27 inches long and weighs 18 pounds!

So, all in all, a great day!