Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm 9 1/2 weeks old now!

Hey mom...I'm about to lose my lunch on the couch...

Mom...I'm sleepy!

Trying to hold my toy!

It's toy time...

Check out my cool shirt...thanks fits perfect!

Just like the Bonefish Restaurant...I too have blue bandaids...Ryan, this one's for you!
(The Bonefish has a policy of kitchen staff only wearing blue if they fall in the food they can easily find them...don't ask what happens when someone doesn't follow company policy and shows up with a regular colored bandaid...tends to blend into the pasta! Lets just say there was a rather expensive free meal involved)

The bandaids are on both of my legs...I got 4 shots today

Playing in my bouncy chair...I love my friend the Zebra

I just spit up on mommy...again...and what she doesn't know is I'm about to load my diaper up and require an entire change of clothing...

Laughing at Jayden (puppy)...she's on the couch when she isn't supposed to be...

I have PTSD: Post-Traumatic-Swaddle Disorder

This is the only way I get any sleep at night...this helps my mommy and daddy stay sane!

Happy Birthday Aunt Heather

I'm sorry I cried at your birthday lunch...I have a bad habit of doing this for birthdays...just ask Aunt Delly!

Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm 2 months old today!

Hanging out with all the girls...who wouldn't be smiling?
brunch at the Rusty Pelican with mommy, Amanda & Maria

Having fun in my swing

watching mommy make silly faces while daddy is burning bagels in the kitchen

My "backseat buddy" Amanda came all the way from Colorado to visit me...
I cried when she left...I think mommy and daddy did too...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fun with animals...I'm either playing with one or dressed up as one...

I'm 8 weeks old and rule the world...or at least this Behen household...

Sitting in my big boy chair...

Playing with my friend Square Monkey...

My buddy Blue from Sahil and Mahir...I like to suck on his nose

You watchin me?

Trying to eat my froggie...

Mom, could you stop making me wear the frog feet...?

The only time in my life I'll look like I have football player shoulders...

Hubba Hubba...

It's Hungry Hungry Hippo time!

Looking at all those toys was just exhausting...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Factory Sponsored

Check me out...I'm hot stuff

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I'm 8 weeks old now!

Happy Birthday Aunt Delly...sorry I cried so much at your party...I was just sleepy and grumpy...I'm all better now!


Playing with mom on the couch in my bulldog pj's!


Bath time!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

One of my Valentines Day cards from my loving husband...he's quite special...